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History Seminar Spring 2015 Schedule
April 8, 2015
Presented by Lonnie Somer
In 16th century Europe, surviving medical treatment was often more a matter of luck than medical competence, and doctors were more likely to harm than cure. Medical expertise was measured in one’s ability to quote
ancient Greek philosophers, and dissection and anatomical research were considered blasphemy. Andreas Vesalius challenged this tradition, ultimately resulting in the rise of modern medical science.
April 15, 2015
Presented by Jennifer Jones
Authorities confiscate and destroy illegal drugs seized in raids. Global superpower expands trade with China. International cartel grows rich from drug smuggling. Widespread addiction, poverty, and violence topple a
government. These could be “snatched from today’s headlines,” but this all happened more than 150 years ago. How did the Opium Wars help shape the modern world? Come find out in the next History Seminar.
April 22, 2015
Presented by Tim McMannon
Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie, U-boats in the salty sea, Digging trenches, poison gas, Americans will take a pass. Airplanes, guns, and rumbling tanks, Can the U.S. say “no thanks”? Lusitania, torpedo, Telegram to
Mexico. Neutral as a mind can be. World safe for democracy. Kept us out of war, Woodrow? Over there, the Yanks will go.
April 29, 2015
Presented by Jeff Wagnitz
The Brookings Institution's 2013 study, Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, has helped to sustain a national conversation about the economic, demographic, and governmental changes that are affecting metropolitan
sub-regions like Southwest King County. This presentation will examine some of the land-use practices, infrastructure investments, and public policies that have shaped Highline's neighborhoods over the past 50 years.
Looking forward, the rise of New Regionalism may offer a different -and, some would say, more equitable - path for future community development.
May 6, 2015
Presented by Murphy Nutting
Women came late to higher education in the United States, and they came piecemeal. Many of the advances they have made in colleges and universities have come at crisis times in US History. While women now outnumber
men in many academic fields, they still face gender challenges in some disciplines and on some campuses. This talk investigates past changes and current challenges to American college women on both sides of the desk.
May 13, 2015
Presented by Teri Balkenende
The Magna Carta has been described as one of the most important and most celebrated documents in history. Signed by King John of England in 1215 to appease a group of rebellious barons, Magna Carta provided
inspiration to the later development of English law as well as to our own U.S. Constitution and even the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. And this summer it celebrates its 800th birthday.But what exactly is Magna
Carta? What does it say, and does it really deserve its esteemed reputation? Come to history seminar on Wednesday to find out.
May 20, 2015
Presented by Kurt Giessel
Have you ever taken a Turing Test? Chances are you have several times and don't even realize it. Come learn about the father of computer science who arguably did more to defeat the Nazis than any other person.
May 27, 2015
Presented by Bob Baugher
Have you heard of The Three Faces of Eve? Sybil? or the case of Ken Bianci? According to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are 20 major mental disorders. Join us for the final History
Seminar of the quarter as we look at the history of the most controversial of the 20. Is it real or have some therapists been deceived into believing that some people actually have several “alters” that emerge
several times a day?